This one of the most creative BTS that I had the chance to make. Two of my favourite friends photographers Eric Paré and Damian Siqueiros added their talents to create this piece, part of Damian Siqueiros Project Terra Sapiens.
Eric Pare shared all his avant garde bullet time technology to achieve this dreamy and beautiful images of wonderful characters.

Photographer and Art Director:
Damian Siqueiros
Explorers (Dancers):
Claudia Chan Tak: Forest Explorer.
Hamilton Nieh: Ocean Explorer,
Alisia Pobega: Sky Explorer.
Vanesa Garcia-Montoya: Desert Explorer
Behind the scenes video created by Guillermo Castellanos.
Production Team: Set design: Laurence Gagnon.
Costume and accessory design.
Armando Lopez Bircann:
Stephane Coté: Make-up artist.
Assistants: Mateo H. Casis. Jonathan Golino: Videographer.
Tech team: Christian Dion, Laurent Siroën, Matthias Thomas Lamotte, Valentin Lecorps, Andrés de la Rosa.
Documentary crew for Terra Sapiens project: Ashley Gilmore and Max Machado